How to thrive as an Introvert using Technology

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Being an introvert can be challenging especially when you live a fast-paced world. You may easily get overwhelmed by the constant rush and noise in the outside world. Depending on your level of introversion, daily life can range from doable to too much. Before technology, introverts had no option but force themselves to function in the normal world. However, technology has made considerable efforts to allow introverts live within their comfort zones while remaining productive. Here are a few ways how

Low intensity communication

Most introverts do not like random and unannounced communication. Making and receiving calls are therefore some of the things they avoid. Thankfully, technology created many other modes of communication that were less intense and gave introverts time to collect their thoughts and respond. Emails and text messages are good examples of these less demanding communication channels that introverts prefer. They get to put their thoughts across without exerting themselves.

Online socialization

Introverts prefer quiet and familiar environments as opposed to loud and crowded spaces like bars or concerts. Therefore, socializing and making friends can be hard for them. With technology however, introverts can easily make friends through social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. They also get to participate in trending discussions, form connections, and sometimes even make lifelong bonds. Without these online socialization options, most introverts would not have any friends and that would not be a healthy thing.

Indoor recreation and entertainment

Like other people, introverts too require recreation and entertainment. The only difference is, introverts do not appreciate most of the activities extroverts participate in such as weekend sports, outdoor group adventures, etc. They prefer more quiet and intimate events that they can participate without the stimulation of external crowds. Technology made this possible with the invention of indoor games and entertainment options. Video games, digital puzzles, online music platforms, and movie streaming channels are some of the ways introverts can enjoy themselves without leaving their spaces.

Online products and services

Although some services will always require one to appear physically such as visits to the doctor, one can still get a significant number of products and services from home. With internet connection, introverts can do grocery-shopping, order for food take-out, and even hire people to carry out other intensive errands for them. They can also pay bills and carry out mobile banking from the comfort of home.

Working from home

Perhaps one of the greatest benefits technology granted introverts is the option of working from home. The internet opened up various ways of earning money from home including blogging, vlogging, coding, trading stocks, and offering virtual assistance. All these are great ways of introverts to have the comfort and convenience of familiar environments while still making a living and paying their bills.

Online learning

Lastly, technology allows students who may find it hard to attend physical class frequently to still learn and keep up with the rest of class while at home. Online learning not only gives introverts the chance to learn in environments that allow for their complete attention and productivity; it also gives them a chance to set their own preferred schedules.

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