For a few months now, has been hard at work at building a platform that will enable its users to search and register for the best Classes from the best Centers and Freelance Tutors. Centers and Tutors that offer group Classes ranging from exam preps for JAMB, TOEFL and GRE, to professional degrees and certifications like ACCA, ICAN and MDCN. is a search and registration engine where you can search and register for the best Classes from the best Centers and Freelance Tutors in your area. It’s ridiculously easy and straightforward and happens in less than five minutes without moving a muscle. The biggest Tutorial Centers and brands are publishing their Classes on for quick registrations, bookings and payment collection.
The platform works similar to Online Travel Agencies like and, so it’s likely to be termed as an “Online Training Agency”, a platform that drives traction and online visibility to the Centers and Tutors listed on it.
They are creating a central and trusted destination, where Students who wish for a platform to get the best deals on their training and tutoring needs, can get the best reviews, prices, deals and comparisons from the best Centers and Tutors around them, and benefit from the easy registration and payment process. They are creating a platform where the biggest names and brands that organize Classes, Trainings and Tutorials of all kinds can publish and advertise their Classes to the Students who want to register for them.
Almost anyone who has something of value to teach can publish a Class on All it takes is a verified Center or Freelance Tutor profile to make this happen. You can be assured of good traffic, search engine ranking for your classes, free online publicity and visibility, and consequently more students registering for your Classes if you publish on
The amazing thing is that these days, you don’t even have to go to a physical location to learn skills. There are many effective and convenient online methods to organize classes these days. People have been taking advantage of platforms like WhatsApp, Telegram, Google Meet and Zoom to participate in group classes to learn a variety of skills that will help them with their career advancement and educational goals. On the marketplace, Centers and Tutors publish all kinds of classes, from in-person classes, to classes taking place on online locations (like WhatsApp, Zoom and Telegram), so the choice is all yours. You can also get a pick from an array of free classes (some Centers post those).
Some of the biggest Centers currently accepting registrations for JAMB, WAEC, GCE, NECO, JUPEB, IJMB, TOEFL, GRE, SATs, ICAN, ACCA, etc, excellent tutorials and exams, through include:
- Teesquare Educational Center
- Kadesh Solution Tutors
- Intel Academy
- Harris Business Solution Limited
- Sayfit Associates
I’m sure some of these names are not new to you. You can be assured of the best deals and prices if you book for their Classes through
When was started and why was the name changed from to was Launched in 2020. We picked the name because we believe it represents the vision of the platform in the most direct and straight-to-the-point kind of way as possible. We wanted a name that speaks to the user, that is concise, direct and memorable as well. Also we needed something that was SEO friendly. NTN was competing with some well-known brand names like MTN.
Is your site used by people only based in Nigeria or do you plan to make it user friendly for people in other countries?
Yes, we plan to make it available to other countries in Africa as we scale out, we already acquired a couple of other domain names (like, and yes, we believe that has the potential to scale worldwide, because it’s the first of it’s kind.
What are the challenges you face when it comes to online class registration and how does it affect your business?
Some students and parents prefer to pay on arrival at the center (instead of using our online payment system), which has led us to start developing some complex set of agreements and revenue collection models between us and the Centers listed, which have so far proven to be quite inefficient, leading us to put a pause on pay on arrival for now, until we refine the model and acquire a stronger legal team.
We are still in very early stages, so we don’t have much feedback yet, but another issue we’re currently facing which is typical of newly founded companies: trust. Many people don’t know us and are just hearing of an online class registration and search engine for the first time in their lives, so are a bit skeptical about making payments to us because of trust. We’re solving that by offering a series of free classes on our own official profile, to boost user engagement on the platform and word of mouth referrals.
Do Tutors have to pay to use your site?
Centers and Tutors do not pay to be listed on the platform. We collect a commission (between 8 – 15%) whenever a student registers for a class through us. The Centers (or tutors) are remitted before the student resumes for the class.
What makes a trusted site and what makes you stand out compared to your competitors?
We are fully incorporated with the Corporate Affairs Commission of Nigeria under the name “NTN Global Services Limited (RC 1677518)”. So your payment information and registration data are safe with them.
Their official “” profile is (@classes). And we use top grade security for payment processing, so students can be assured of secured payments and transactions.
What sets us apart? is not an on-demand home tutoring provider. We do not hoard and assign any tutors to Students and neither do we limit options and freedom as a Center or Tutor to design their Classes however way they deem fit. is search-engine-focused. We simply list Center and Tutor profiles (and the Classes they publish from their mobile app) publicly and in real-time, and accept registrations and payments on behalf of Students. is like a typical Twitter feed — publicly accessible Tweets (Classes in’s case), posted by Tweeps (Centers and Tutors in’s case) which are publicly available, accessible, and can be viewed, acted upon and registered by anyone.
Publishing Classes, registering and making payments for Classes are instantaneous and happen almost in real-time. We do not select tutors on behalf of Students. Neither do we vet any of the Centers or Tutors listed on the platform. The public does. Reviews from Students influence each Center or Tutor’s position on search results via a metric called a “Relevance Score”. We are building a trusted and competitive atmosphere where the best Centers and Tutors compete for relevance thereby making it easier for Students to find the best Classes around them to advance their career and life goals.
How affordable is is a marketplace, so prices are not set by us. The prices of each Class published is set by the Center or the Tutor, and we cannot influence that. Some Centers post free classes, some are cheap, while some big names (from business schools or ICT schools offering certifications for example, or international exam preparation colleges) may be expensive. It depends on the school or brand posting.
What do you think the Nigerian government can do to improve education and make learning easier for students and teachers?
The Nigerian problem remains the same as it has always been – corruption in high places. Schools are largely underfunded as a result, and this leads to low quality education especially in the top government colleges. If schools and tutorial centers are well funded and provided with incentives to encourage the faculty members, we believe education would vastly improve. The people who are qualified to deliver excellent education to students will remain here instead of trying to emigrate to USA or Canada.
To add; Centers and Tutors have access to a web dashboard and a mobile app where they can publish new Classes to their profiles, modify existing Classes and delete Classes. They can also view Student information there and accept or reject incoming registrations, amongst other settings.
Send an email today (, or if you’re interested in creating a profile.
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