WhatsApp Will Now Enable Businesses To Sell Products Via Facebook Shops

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WhatsApp will now enable businesses to sell products via Facebook shops.

A lot of people have moved their businesses online so it only makes sense why Facebook would finally want to commercialize their platforms. A lot of people currently order their products online and business owners are opting to put their items online and prefer building an online community that can frequently come back and get their products delivered by just a simple tap on the item.

WhatsApp marketing as the new way.

Facebook will increase ways for users to check products on WhatsApp and make purchases from a direct chat. There will be Facebook shops within WhatsApp where users will be able sell and order products easily from there. This new feature is to be launched in 2021 according to WhatsApp’s COO, Matt Idema. When the feature will be launched it will be put on free trial for some time in order to build a client base.

Currently there are many business WhatsApp groups that basically sell their products within those groups. This new feature will enable all these business groups to actually fully commercialize their products on WhatsApp. In future, chats with a business using the new hosting service will disclose that those conversations are stored elsewhere and not protected by the app’s end-to-end encryption.

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