Telegram, the encrypted messaging app, is expected to reach one billion monthly active users within a year, according to its founder Pavel Durov.
According to reports by Reuters, Mr Durov, a Russian billionaire, made the comments in a recent interview with US journalist Tucker Carlson.
“We’ll probably cross one billion monthly active users within a year now. Telegram is spreading like forest fire,” Mr Durov said.
Telegram, known for its focus on privacy and security, has grown rapidly in recent years.
The app currently boasts 900 million active users and is particularly popular in Eastern Europe and the former Soviet Union.
Mr Durov emphasized Telegram’s commitment to neutrality, stating it should not be a “player in geopolitics.”
He highlighted the app’s use by both governments and opposition groups, suggesting open communication is key to progress.
Durov, who clashed with Russian authorities over content moderation on his previous social media platform VK, addressed concerns about government pressure. He reiterated his belief in a neutral platform and stated Telegram will not take sides in political conflicts.
The Telegram founder also criticized major tech companies like Apple and Google, accusing them of stifling free speech through app store guidelines.
Telegram’s choice of Dubai as its headquarters stems from a desire for a neutral location. Durov explained Dubai’s lack of alignment with superpowers makes it an ideal environment for a platform promoting open communication.
Looking ahead, Durov expressed his hope that Telegram can continue fostering open dialogue, even in the face of challenges from governments and competitors.