Common VPN myths debunked

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In the age of the internet, there’s hardly anyone out there who hasn’t heard of VPNs. Maybe you’re not using one, maybe you don’t know exactly how they work, but chances are you’re at least familiar with the term and concept of a VPN. Since VPN technology has been around for quite some time, their popularity is not surprising. 

But with fame also came a lot of misinformation about these services. Some of them have been debunked over the years, others are still alive and thriving. So maybe it’s time to shed some light on the topic and finally lay these myths to rest. That being said, let’s take a look at some of the most common VPN myths and let’s unveil the truth. 

VPNs provide full online protection 

It would be great to purchase a VPN service and never worry about security issues again, but that’s not how things work in reality. VPNs are definitely great tools for ensuring anonymity and privacy, but their powers are limited nevertheless. Assuming VPNs can protect you from every threat on the internet is a big mistake. 

You should still practice precaution and do your part to keep your data and your online activity as safe as possible. Even if you use a VPN, the basic rules of internet safety still apply to you: having strong passwords, avoiding shady websites, not clicking on every link you receive, not sharing sensitive data online etc. So, just because you have a VPN doesn’t mean you should throw common sense out the window or give up on using an antivirus and other safety tools. 

All VPNs are created equal

If all VPNs were the same, there would be no need to shop around for a VPN service. But since this is only a myth, you do need to do a bit of research when choosing a VPN. Some offer higher security, others provide better browsing speeds, so you need to find one that will suit your needs. Their purpose might be the same, but different VPNs use different technologies, so they don’t have the same characteristics, nor do they provide the same benefits. For example, not all VPNs support the latest technologies, such as WireGuard. Here you can see the best VPNs for Wireguard if you’re interested in adding extra features to your service. Point is you have to do your homework before picking a VPN.  

A free VPN is just as efficient as a paid one

Similarly, a lot of people still believe that a free VPN is just as good as a paid one. Then why do paid VPNs still exist and why would so many users choose to pay for them instead of going for a free service? The answer is simple: paid VPNs are much more trustworthy and reliable, as they provide better security features and speed. When it comes to most VPN providers, usually what you pay is what you get. So, if you choose a free VPN service, don’t expect to enjoy the same benefits and don’t be surprised if you come across various issues while using one. 

VPNs slow down internet connection 

There’s this common belief that a VPN service will slow down your internet connection, so you’re better off without. However, this is only partially true. Using a VPN can decrease your internet speed, but that’s not always the case. Since VPNs servers work by encrypting and decrypting data, the whole process can affect connection speed. After all, VPNs are meant to offer you protection, anonymity and other advantages, not to boost internet connection. Still, you shouldn’t worry too much about this issue as reliable VPN providers offer excellent services and users usually won’t notice any difference in their browsing speed. 

You’re completely anonymous when using a VPN 

VPNs can definitely help you protect your identity, but they’re not going to make you completely anonymous on the internet. VPNs use encryption to increase privacy and security online, but these encryptions are not impossible to break. They just make it extremely hard for other parties to get hold of your personal data and information and track your online activity. They keep you safe from malware and keep those annoying targeted ads at bay, so they do quite a lot in terms of anonymity. But the only way to be invisible online is not to use the internet.  

Regular internet users don’t need a VPN 

Does a VPN service bring you any benefits if you only use the internet for basic tasks? We think it’s obvious by now that they do. VPNs are not targeted at tech whizzes who are online all day long, businesses that share important data over the internet or people who engage in illegal online activities. Everyone can and should use a VPN if they want to keep their data protected, avoid tracking and surveillance, access geo-blocked content and enjoy an overall safer online experience. 

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