TikTok Puts More Measures On Teens’ Accounts

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TikTok has put more measures on teens’ accounts and we think it’s a good move.

The first time I heard of TikTok was from my 13-year-old sister she said to me “I can imitate anyone I want to” my first thought was “what is my teenage sister doing on social media?” turns out that TikTok is one of those interactive apps that allows you to curate content while having fun.

However, to be able to protect underage users TikTok has rolled out certain measures that allows parents to link their accounts to their children. Parents officially have the jurisdiction to monitor what kind of content their kids are watching and who they communicate with.

While kids always find ways to breach the rules the app has found a way of putting measures by making accounts of teenagers account private by default.

Although the qualified age to join TikTok was 13, it has now changed to 15 years of age. This will limit who can get to see and comment on their videos. Only users who they get to add as friends will then be able to view their videos. Moreover, their accounts won’t be suggested to other users.

So what if a teenager tries to make their account public?

They simply will not have the option of putting their account public. Other features like Duet and Stitch which allow users to repost and respond to another person’s video, will also be disabled for videos posted by users under 16. The ability to download videos of users under that age is also being disabled.

Additionally if you’re between the ages of 16-17 your videos will not be able to be downloaded by other users. However, it is important to note that these restrictions only make sense if your teenager will not disable the settings you’ve put in place by any chance. If you were to ask me, I’d say take the whole phone away, or what do you think?

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