Lawyer Turns Into Adorable Kitten During A Court Case After Zoom’s Filter Obscures Her Face

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A lawyer turned into an adorable kitten during a court case after zoom’s filter obscured his face.

We’ve seen enough employees online who happened to be on the wrong side of Zoom. Some people forget to switch off their camera’s other’s forget to mute their mics and others filters decide to turn their faces into animals.

The zoom blooper happened to a lawyer named Rod Ponton from the 394th Judicial District of Texas in Brewster County. When he realized that the cat filter mode was on he said ” “I’m here live. I’m not a cat,” luckily the judge was rather patient and responded in a calm manner and said “I can see that,”.

How do I switch it off?

Rod struggled to switch the filter mode off but he was talked through the whole process and finally managed. The moment was described as a fun moment and what keeps the justice system functioning during a pandemic.

The Judge who was in session tweeted and gave a tip that parents should check their laptop especially if a child was on it before to ensure that filters are off.

Did you know that zoom has filters?

If for any reason you’d like to have a filter while on a video call, this is how to do it.

1. Download the free Snap Camera app for Windows or Mac (just make sure you read the terms and conditions first). It’ll ask for permission to use your camera and microphone.

2. Open the app, and you’ll find a variety of “lenses” or filters to search through. Whatever you click on will appear at the top of the app, where you can see it overlaid on your face.

3. Go to the Search Lenses bar, and type in “kitten” (or anything else you’d like to try). 

4. Search through the different options, and choose the feline that speaks to you the most. 

5. To connect your new filter to Zoom, open the Zoom app (you may have to restart it if it was already open while Snap Camera was downloading). 

6. In Zoom, go to Settings > Video > Camera, and from the drop-down menu, select Snap Camera.You should see your face with the filter you selected appearing in the preview. 

7. Start or join a Zoom meeting. Your face will appear as a kitten, or whatever filter you selected.

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