How to Make Edge Always Open with Your Previously Open Tab

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Like any other main web browser on the market, Microsoft Edge has the ability to save your tab sessions when you close your browser. You can have Edge open all tabs in your last browsing session whenever you start your browsing session.

There is a method to inform Edge that you want to keep all of your tabs in place and resume them the next time you reboot.

Well, open Edge. In any window

Find the ellipse button (3 dots) in the upper right corner and click it. Select “Settings” from the menu that appears.

Click the “Start” button in the sidebar.

“On start-up” settings, choose “Continue where you’ve finished.”

Please close the “Settings” tab.

Launch the same set of pages only when you open Edge, navigate back to Settings >> On start-up, and select “Open a specific page or page” from the list you just checked.

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