Digital signage is just a tool. It is up to you how useful you make it. With a bit of thought, you could integrate digital signs into your life and become a more efficient person, worker, parent, or carer. What’s more, digital signage is now so popular that second-hand digital signs are becoming more abundant. This means you need not spend a lot of money to enjoy the benefits of digital signs.
1 – A Calendar and Daily Reminder
Let’s say you have a household full of several people of differing ages, or you have a small business with a handful of staff. A digital sign could show the current calendar and all the upcoming and current events. It could keep everybody informed on the daily running of the house or business. From the father knowing where the kids are because the calendar says they are having swimming lessons, to the staff members who know that a director is paying a visit on Monday.
2 – Put Safety First
Spread safety messages across all your digital signs so that your customers and your staff can see them. Your signs do not have to feature safety messages exclusively. You could fold your safety messages into your regular digital sign content. Some safety messages may include:
- Pandemic updates including policy changes
- Reminders about food and bathroom hygiene
- Displays showing where the fire exits and fire tools are
- Explanations on what to do during a natural disaster
- Displays showing where certain staff are not allowed in the premises
- Warnings about incoming weather problems
Again, you do not need to have your digital signs focus just on health and safety matters, but if there is an impending problem, such as a storm, you could turn your digital signs into warning beacons for staff and customers alike.
3 – Give People Live Updates on the Areas They Are In
If you were running an art gallery or a museum, you could have your digital signs start giving their messages when people move nearby. They could be movement activated, or you could have people press a button to start them. Or perhaps your digital signs help guide people around your premises. You could have them activate automatically as people walk past in a way that directs them to wherever they are going.
4 – Let Your Signs Do Most of the Selling
Most people know that digital signs can be used to sell products and promote things. But there is no limit to where you sell and how you sell. For example, let’s say you have people wait for your services. In the waiting room, you could have the digital signs explain exactly what your service has to offer so that when you finally see the customer, they do not need each element of your service explaining to them.
5 – Stay Updated on Business or Household Numbers
Perhaps you work in the stock market or the currency markets and you want to keep an eye on the markets where you are at home or work. If that is the case, you can have your digital signs show regularly updated content about the markets.
6 – Communicate Goals and Changes Across Large Areas
Let’s say that you have signs in business locations all around the country, and suddenly you need to dictate a change in policy or company direction. Perhaps something has happened to your supply line, and you need to change your marketing focus. With the use of something like Digital signage for Apple TV, you could use your software to coordinate a large change in all your digital signs. They could all state the same message or change of direction so that all your staff around the country receive the same messages at the same time.
7 – Letting People in Your Store
Since the global pandemic, stores and businesses have started limiting the number of people they allow in their premises at any one time. They often have people stood at the door saying who can come in and when. However, this job could be done by digital signs. A mechanism could count how many people are in the store and then tell people if they can enter yet using a digital sign placed near the door.
Final Thoughts – Experiment a Little
In most cases, a little experimentation is not a bad thing. All you have to do is make sure your ideas are not stupendously bad. This sounds like a bit of obvious advice, but you have to remember that the games developer Acclaim once created signs that bled a red fluid that was supposed to look like blood. Experimenting is good because sometimes you come across a type of content that really works. Again, just make sure your idea is not outrageously dumb from the start, and your experiments will eventually turn up usable results.