How to Market Yourself on LinkedIn in a Non-Obvious Way

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LinkedIn is an excellent resource for gaining a professional edge as a business owner. LinkedIn, like other social networking sites, can help you get noticed. Using the platform effectively allows you to connect not only with potential clients by broadening your reach within a business community, but it is also an excellent way to make powerful connections and partners in your industry.

Here are some essential Linkedin steps you can take to market yourself or your company:

  • Add new contacts or locate existing ones (friend, family, co-workers)

  • Complete and update your LinkedIn profile. Optimize your profile for local search like they do with lawyer local SEO to have your profile show up to people in your area.

  • Use your contacts to introduce you to THEIR contacts.

  • Join a group; there are plenty of them.

  • Make a group, preferably one that does not exist.

  • Organize meet-ups or get-togethers with members of your group.

  • Respond to questions posted in your network.

  • Post questions for others to respond to.

  • Put a LinkedIn widget on your website.

  • Change the LinkedIn URL to include your name or the address of your website. As a result, instead of looking like this:, it will look like this:

  • Allow search engines to find your profile (under the settings tab)

  • Obtain recommendations from your contacts

  • Look through the job listings (if you’re looking)

  • Be Active

  • State Your Current Employment Situation

  • Display Your Personality

Among other unique features, users can list their skills and receive endorsements from others. This could improve your professional visibility and increase your chances of making powerful connections.

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