Safaricom Announces New Charges For Calls, SMS, Data, Fuliza And Home Fibre

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Safaricom has announced new charges for calls, SMS, data, Fuliza and home fibre.

The moment we’ve all been waiting for is finally here as we’ve all been waiting to see Safaricom’s new rates as the other companies have also announced theirs. Telco companies have had to review their rates after the new Excise Duty increased from 15% to 20% and now your calls, internet and online loan charges for products such as Safaricom’s overdraft facility.

The new changes will take effect from today and it’s important to note that how you spend your airtime is going to seriously change from today henceforth but it all takes planning.

What are the new rates?

So just like a matatu there will be off-peak hours from 10 PM to 8 AM the following morning. Don’t forget to renew your bundles because as soon as your bundles are exhausted the new rates will apply using your airtime. If you like using okoa jahazi then we strongly advise that you go easy on those as the new rates will also apply.

What about your home internet rates?

Unfortunately for those who need internet on a daily basis you’re not in luck because the 20 new percent adjustment will be applicable to you. Other companies such as ZUKU have already implemented their new rates but Safaricom says it will be communicating to users in the coming days.

Loan borrowers.

M-Shwari facilitation fees will grow from 7.5 percent to 9 percent (a 1.5% jump). KCB M-Pesa will now attract a fee of 8.64 percent, up from 7.35 percent. Fuliza daily fees will include 20% Excise Duty. Access fees remain at 1%. 

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