Getting attention on social media isn’t that difficult. All you need to do is post something funny and relatable and you will see people sharing it over the whole platform within hours. But maintaining that for a long period to gain followers every day is surely a difficult task.
Social platforms such as Twitter are a great tool if you wish to grow your business by getting in touch with the right audience. However, since many such users make use of it for the same purpose, it might be a little difficult in starting. You can buy followers on Twitter for creating engagement but it always feels better to have them follow you organically, no? So, for all the amateurs out there, we are here with a list of few things that you can do to get 300 targeted followers per day.
- Know your target audience
The customer is the king even on the internet. You need to produce what they want to consume. For this, you need to know the audience you want to follow you. Select your niche first as that will help in sorting out the type of content you can post on Twitter. The next step would be to understand your audience.
For this, you can either conduct a poll and ask them questions or follow your competitors to get a clear picture of what gets people’s attention most. Once you have an idea, use your creative cells and start working. Ensure none of your work is remotely similar to that of your competitors.
- Use hashtags
If you have been using social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, etc., you must have seen people using hashtags in the caption of everything they post. Ever wondered why? Well, it increases your visibility on the platform and makes it easy for people to discover you.
While using the hashtag, remember to use something relevant to what you are posting and also trending. Trending hashtags help new Twitter users in getting the attention they want which ultimately helps them in gaining targeted followers for their Twitter handle.
- Participate in trends
Now and then big companies launch a trend or something similar for people to engage in. As a new user, participating in those trends or just starting a conversation by retweeting about them can get people interested in your profile.
Keep your responses interesting and worth engaging in. Know more about the trend and company before you start the conversation. You should try to engage in trends that are more to do with your niche so you can easily get your target following. You can even showcase your witty side by giving some amazing replies to the questions asked by other users.
- Use memes
Nothing makes for an interesting Twitter handle more than the one that posts good memes. Humor is one of the best ways to attract people to you and in this era of social media, memes are quite famous for that. The memes that you use should be relatable to people so that they retweet them and also visit your profile.
Most people who started on Twitter got famous because of their humorous content. We all need a break in the form of jokes in our life and memes to provide the best dose of the same. Know what your target audience can probably find funny and focus on that. Also, don’t forget to include pop culture references as people love that.
- Tag your Twitter handle on other platforms
If you are new to Twitter but have been using other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram for a while, you must have a good following there. To make sure they follow you on your Twitter handle too, you can post the screenshot of your tweets on these platforms and tag your Twitter handle.
Tweets are quite commonly shared on several social media platforms in the form of images if they are relatable enough. So, focus on providing quality content more. Rest will be taken care of by the users as they help make a post go viral if they find it valuable enough.
- Engage with people
Engaging with people on Twitter goes a long way in establishing oneself as a brand. You can host Twitter chats or participate in the ones hosted by other people. It helps you in being more visible to other users and gives much-needed visibility to your profile.
While you are involved in Twitter chats, understand the subject being discussed before answering. The more credible your answers are, the better it is for your image which will ultimately help you in getting more twitter followers organically.
It is tough to get traction on social media as there are already many users out there doing their best to get as many followers as possible. However, it is not impossible if you do the right things at the right time. Newcomers on Twitter can make it big once they start providing valuable content to people on this platform as nothing can beat quality content.