The most recent version of iOS might remove some iPhone’s connectivity

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Have you been encountering network issues on your iPhone for half a month now? It’s ” normal “…

The most recent iOS 14.7.1 update can indeed cripple the phone’s cell network.

An (awful) shock with iOS 14.7.1

Accessible for half a month, the iOS 14.7.1 update fixed a bug concerning Touch ID and opening an Apple Watch. In any case, this new version is joined by minor and unfortunate amazement for a few

Indeed, a few users have been reporting concerns identified with the cellular network. As such, since the iOS 14.7.1 update, some iPhones would lose the network association. Afterward, it is difficult to recuperate the last mentioned, including by resetting the network settings or restarting the cell phone.

Some also raise concerns regarding Face ID facial recognition and camera flash. The good news is that Apple is actively preparing iOS 14.8, hoping that the latter will correct these few problems without creating new ones.

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