Kenya Power will begin offering fixed internet services.
Kenya Power will begin selling high-speed internet to businesses in an effort to diversify its revenue streams and capitalize on the country’s expanding data usage. The energy distributor has been leasing fibre-optic cables connecting to its transmission lines to internet service providers, and this is a step ahead.
After conducting pilot testing with larger power users, the utility will announce a package that will allow its business clients to buy internet and electricity as a package in the coming weeks.
This will force Safaricom, Wananchi Group (Zuku), and Jamii Telecoms, which hold 85.1 percent of Kenya’s fixed data market, to compete for internet subscribers.
Kenya Power said in a statement:
“We will provide our corporate sector customers with a bundled service of electricity and internet,”
“Kenya Power will leverage on our vast network to tap into the market…we will offer the corporates the option of using our internet for their primary use or redundancy.”