Kenya’s ICT Ministry Releases A Coding Syllabus For Schools

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Kenya’s ICT ministry releases a coding syllabus for schools.

Coding is the newest craze in schools. It is taught at a lower level in other regions of the world, and Kenya appears to be following suit. To that aim, we’ve heard that Kenyan youngsters will soon be able to participate in coding and computer programming classes, as these talents become increasingly valuable in a variety of businesses.

This comes after the government, in conjunction with Kodris Africa, an education technology startup, produced coding training resources. The new content, which will be implemented across the country in primary and secondary schools under the Kenya National Digital Master Plan 2022-2032, will be implemented in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the ICT Authority through the Digital Literacy Programme, according to a statement released at the launch (DLP).

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) approved Kodris Africa’s new coding syllabus on April 19.

ICT CS Joe Mucheru also launched a new government-led digital skills training program aimed at equipping 20 million Kenyans with the necessary digital skills to help citizens to engage effectively in the digital economy at the unveiling event.

Director of Criminal Investigations George Kinoti, KICD CEO Prof Charles Ong’ondo, Kodris Africa Chairman Mr Mwanki Munuhe, Stanbic Bank Chief Executive Officer Charles Mudiwa, Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA) Deputy Commissioner, Technology, Innovation and Delivery, Wemmic Mutinda, and Teachers Service Commission (TSC) ICT director Charles Gichira were among those who attended the launch.

Mucheru goes on to say that the government has delivered over 1.2 million laptops to students in Kenyan public schools, as well as connecting electricity to over 22,000 schools and that the project to digitize all schools is still ongoing.

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