Today, Parliament Will Decide The Fate Of The Huduma Bill 2021

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Today, Parliament is debating the Huduma Bill 2021. At the start of the year, the idea received public input.

This is a significant bill since it is linked to the Huduma Namba identity system, which has now released documents to Kenyans who had enrolled for it.

Huduma Namba, which is based on the NIIMS national database, will also be linked to all government services, meaning that without the Huduma Card, a person will be unable to get such services from the government.

Since its formal launch in 2018, Huduma Namba has gained a lot of attention.

The new identifying method is justified as being superior to standard ID cards, which have been claimed to be limited in their practical use at times. What was the end result? According to the State, duplicating registrations has wasted a lot of resources and weakened people’s trust in the identification ecosystem.

Huduma Bill, 2021

In addition, the measure proposes issuing Huduma Namba to infants for tax purposes. Huduma Namba will be assigned at birth or upon enrollment, according to the modification. Parents should be aware that this registration process must be completed within 90 days after the birth of their child. Payment of a late registration penalty will be required for late registrations.

When the child reaches the age of six, the parent will be required to give the relevant biometric data so that the child’s dossier in NIIMS can be updated.

A Huduma Card is given to Kenyans who enrol in NIIMs. A Minor’s Huduma Card will be distributed to minors. Foreigners and refugees will each receive their own Huduma Cards.

A child shall be enrolled into NIIMs – (a) in case of a newborn, immediately after birth; or (b) in the case of any other child upon appearing before a NIIMS designated officer accompanied by a parent or a guardian and providing the particulars set out in the First Schedule.’ ­– reads part of the Huduma Bill, 2021.

When a minor reaches the age of 18, he or she will be given a Huduma Card that is appropriate for an adult.

Every resident individual who has enrolled into the NIIMS established under the Huduma Act shall by default be registered as a taxpayer upon attaining the age of 18.

Reads the amendment:

On completion of initial enrollment of resident individuals under the Huduma Act, the Commissioner shall activate tax obligations of every individual above the age of 18 years not registered as a taxpayer.’ reads the amendment.

Every government agency that relies on foundational data of a resident individual to provide a public service may be linked to NIIMs in such a way that the agency can authenticate personal data and transmit/access/retrieve foundational data required for the given function, according to the bill.

The bill also includes data security precautions that were not previously addressed in the plan.

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