Spotify introduces the “playlist in a bottle” music option

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An intriguing new feature that Spotify has launched will improve customers’ musical listening experiences.

The well-known music streaming service has unveiled a brand-new function called “Playlist in a Bottle.” In the interactive in-app experience Playlist in a Bottle from Spotify, users may make a musical time capsule to store away until January 2024. As part of the experience, listeners will respond to a number of questions regarding the music they’re hearing. These answers will then be placed in a musical time capsule, which will be opened a year from now.

According to the business, consumers who took part will receive their personalised Playlist in a Bottle in January 2024, which will act as a reminder of who they were and what they were listening to a year ago.

How the new feature functions work:

1. You need to ensure that your Spotify app is up to date with the latest version.

2. Click on your mobile device.

3. Select your time capsule of choice from a variety of containers. It can be a gumball machine, lunch box, bottle, jean pocket, or a teddy bear to hold your songs.

4. Answer a series of song-inspired prompts such as “A song that reminds you of your favourite person.” Once done, you can choose to move forward or you can keep going for more prompts.

5. Digitally seal your time capsule by clicking “Lock In” and sending it off.

After finishing their time capsule, users can also post to their social media accounts.

According to Spotify, if you created a Playlist in a Bottle, you will receive your own time capsule in January 2024, which will serve as a reminder of your listening habits one year earlier. Up until January 31, 2023, both free and premium users can utilise the feature. Playlist in a Bottle was available last week in 27 markets and 18 languages.

Playlist in a Bottle has been available for use in 27 markets and 18 languages as of last week. The following markets are included in this list: Australia, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, and Morocco. Additional nations include New Zealand, the Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

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