Kenya’s Travelbuddy to Launch Carpooling Services Countrywide

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travel buddyTravelBuddy is a Kenyan carpooling startup that matches drivers and passengers heading to the same destination.

Travelbuddy also connects neighbors with cars to those who want to be dropped in town or their places of work without having to wait for public service vehicles.

Founded early this year by Michael Otieno,a Narobi-based developer, TravelBuddy works simply.

Uisng an Android app, passengers search for car schedules or trips posted by car owners or drivers. One then picks on a trip or schedule that fits them and books it by paying for a seat. A car owner or driver then picks up the passenger at his or her pickup point.

As a driver, you register your vehicle and route you are headed to. One can schedule a trip earlier, giving details such as the date of travel, time of departure and the cost per seat or per trip.

Once, the travel date reaches, you pick up your passengers who confirm their details for security then head off with them to your destination. Drivers can be paid by via MPESA, YU-Cash or Airtel Money or cash.

Passengers also go to the app to register and check present trips or schedules. The app also sends notifications on schedules and on payment history. It also has defined routes and maps and states how long the trip will take.

The app  works anywhere in Kenya and Otieno says it makes it easier to fill empty seats for a trip one has scheduled and saves money and the environment.

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