Kenya’s Pharmacy And Poisons Board Automates Licensing Processes To Boost Trade

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Pharmacy and poisons board of Kenya (PPB) together with TradeMark East Africa (TMEA) have announced the launch of a new ePortal that will enable the pharmaceutical industry’s stakeholders to access trade and drug retention services online.

Dr. Kipkerich Koskeim Pharmacy and Poisons Board Registrar had this to say: “The PPB ePortal had been developed with the aim of integrating all regulatory services. Through the ePortal, stakeholders will be able to apply for  operational licenses,renew existing operational  licenses, make payments and register drug exports and imports.”

The development of this online portal has been facilitated by TMEA as part of its mandate to promote regional trade and economic integration. This service is expected to ease access to services provided by the regulator to the pharmaceutical industry.

The Cabinet Secretary Ministry of Health, Prof. Fred Segor said: “The  Pharmacy and Poisons Board’s ePortal will contribute towards the reduction of non-tariff trade barriers within the Pharmaceutical sector. This is inline with Kenya’s vision 2030 goal of providing equitable and affordable quality services to all Kenyans. Theses aspirations are in line with the flagship projects of vision 2030 initiatives under the National single window project.”

The PPB stakeholders can use the ePortal to access services form departments such as pharmacovigilance, drug registration, pharmaceutical manufacturing services, trade which includes import and export, inspectorate surveillance and enforcement.

Some of the benefits of the online portal includes; efficiency at the board through re-engineering of the PPB process, increased stakeholder compliance within the pharmaceutical industry, create a platform for consumers and stake holders to inform the board on issues pertaining the safety and efficiency of medicines in the public, integration between PPB and other government agencies and ease of doing business through online applications and verification.

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