Apple And Samsung CEO’s Up For Mediation Over The Infringement Case

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 apple vs samsung

 The new year has certainly come with its warmth because Apple Inc and Samsung Electronics are now ready to iron out their squabbles. The two have agreed to have a mediation session that should take place before  February 19, as they prepare to clash in court in March over smartphone patents.

So this is how it will go, Apple CEO Tim Cook and Samsung’s chief Oh-Hyun Kwon will attend the session with in-house lawyers only. Their legal teams had met on January 6 to “discuss settlement opportunities,” the filing read.

This war between Apple and Samsung is all about smartphone patents across several countries; Apple says that Samsung has infringed its patents.

This case has been in the courts for the last two years and the two have gone to trial twice in San Jose, California federal court, and juries have awarded Apple a total of roughly $930 million.

Apple said in court documents filed in December that it has paid its leading outside law firm about $60 million to wage patent litigation against Samsung.

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