World’s First Lumia Wireless-Charging Trousers Now In Market.

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Technology will always get better and, maybe stupid. Apps like Yo, which was reportedly hacked because of its stupidness are just examples of what people are working on, either stupid and brilliant innovations.

Imagine now your trouser working as a phone charger?A British designer has come up with A. Sauvage, to help you charge your phone battery full using wireless charging trousers. The technology known as inductive charging comes from the new Nokia DC-50 wireless charging plate, a portable device that charges the phone by a simple press of a button without the hassle of wires.

This is so far the perfect collection of wearable technology with a wide reach since it will be available for pre-order on the Amazon online store. The amazing trousers complement the cutting-edge design of the new Lumia 930 smart phone perfectly.

The ‘Modern Man’ of 2014 is among spectacular collaborations; Bruce Weber’s and David Bailey that Microsoft has rolled out for the portable charging device category.



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