Now South Africa’s 24th Most Visited Property Site-Report

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10534134_710484145665626_6111791052420760400_nNaspers’, has been ranked as the 24th largest website in South Africa, ahead of One Africa Media’s PrivatePropert which has been ranked as number 49 according to recent country rankings.

The site also comes at position nine among locally owned sites beating all the other competitors.

According to JP Farinha, the CEO of in a statement: “It’s an incredible achievement, both for and the real estate industry. It is also affirmation that we are giving consumers the tools and services they need online, as well as it being motivation to continue working toward achieving even greater things.”

The SimilarWeb comparison shows a growing trend of South African Internet use for news, banking, shopping and property searching among others. Property24 also claims the trend

The firm says its success is an indicator of the widespread adoption of internet in South Africa and the growing opportunities for everyone in the real estate industry. It adds that that’s the reason why estate agents who are embracing online marketing strategies are having greater yeilds. PrivateProperty was named as the second most visited site.

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