I once read ‘Love is only real when shared’ well success is only sweet when shared, what if Bill Gates made all those billions without making 100 other millionaires, who will he be hanging out with, making genuine friends when you already grown up, it’s even harder when you are a rich grown up.
This explain why all these billionaires each have set up a fund into a cause.. One of the untold stories is when Google was starting out it wasn’t the hottest start up, Napster , an mp3 downloading software Startup was, they grew to 60 million users in a year, it was so popular and cool even the Google guys were envious of it and were not ashamed to say it.
That’s why it pains me to see a rift developing among our technology hubs, I honestly don’t care if you are from the Nailab, iHub, m:Lab, Growthhub, Nairobi Startup Garage (Garage), C4DLab, iLab or any other hub, being labelled as from X so you are not a friend of Y is utterly ridiculous.
If you are doing something insanely cool I will be honoured to offer any help in my capacity no matter where you are from. One of our own successes is my success directly or indirectly. Look at it this way, it is much easier to walk up to Ma3route and ask for certain information than it is to walk up to Red cross for the same set of information about road safety. Great businesses are made by strong established networks and networks are built over time and strengthened by experiences.
If we look at it from the industry level not who is producing the best start-ups and competing with each other we will see the value of the concerted effort. Government makes decision based on the overall effect ‘the greater good’ the bigger the impact we make as an industry the more the assistance and influence us have on government.
I hope one day I’ll live to see one of our start-ups grow so big that it actually goes poaching founders from other start-ups to work for them, which is the definition of success and sharing it.
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