Orange rolls out 3G network to 14 more areas in the country

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Orange has added 14 more urban centres to its 3G network. Isiolo, Othaya, Keruguya, Kenol, Mwingi, Loitokitok, Namanga, Mai Mahiu, Gilgil, Bomet, Eldama Ravine, Siaya, Webuye and Kilgoris are now covered by the Orange high-speed 3G service.

This is part of the Telco company’s plan to consolidate its data services business in the new financial year, with mobile Internet being viewed as the next growth area in the country’s telecommunication industry.

The company is already recording impressive results from its data business, with the unit growing by 50 percent in the last quarter of 2014. This performance has been propelled by the provision of the Orange high-speed broadband to 35 county governments and through the improvement of the company’s network across the country.

Company CEO Vincent Lobry says that the endorsement by the industry regulator, the Communications Authority of Kenya(CAK) as having the best 3G network in terms of quality of service is enough motivation to maintain the same standard and expand the same quality to new areas in the country.

“Part of our KSh2.5 billion investment last year was dedicated to the rolling out of 3G network across the country, and the transformation of our operations to enhance service delivery,” says Lobry.

By the end of Q1, 2015, an additional 27 urban areas will be linked onto the Orange 3G network bringing the number of new 3G locations to 41.

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