I am quite sure that you have heard about the Sarahah app, people have either bashed it and majority have been inquisitive enough to join the app. It was originally invented for employers and employees for improvement purposes but instead it became an app for the nosy and inquisitive people who would want to anonymously reveal information about someone. The app was created by a Saudi developer ZainAlabdin Tawfiq and he stated that the idea behind it was to receive honest feedback from friends and employees. Though here are the things you need to understand before jumping into it.
1. Anyone can leave you feedback.
The whole point is to leave feedback and in order to get that is simply by searching people on the app. After all that you get to read people’s comments about you as you long as you have agreed to receive feedback which is really the whole idea. Users can also remove themselves from search and choose to to share a web link (example: username.sarahah.com) with the people they want to receive anonymous messages.
2. You don’t really follow users on Sarahah
So you might be wondering how exactly you get people to comment and how you get friends. The app gets all the comments you have received or sent and then that’s when you get the follow option in case you want to keep sending feedback to a user.
3. You get to ask questions.
So this is the best part for the nosy people, you get to make anonymous comments or ask questions that are secret. People may respond to it by taking a screenshot of it then responding to it on snapchat or IG. Though I doubt people post everything they have been asked.
4. People are already complaining about negative comments
Obviously because it can be used as a bullying platform. I mean if people can’t tell you what they want to face to face then it can be a problem. It can very easily be labeled used for cyber bullying if not used well.”