How Himama App Is Helping Kenyan Parents Track Their Kids

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In a world where both mother and father have a lot to do, it is easy to get overwhelmed.

Parents are one of the busiest people in the world, from worrying about children’s report card to his/her health it can all get a bit too much. Parents get their communication from diaries where teachers note down what they need to tell the parents. However, sometimes children get crafty and fail to report what they need to to their parents. Himama is changing all that, it allows parents to get updates on their children’s activities in school including the meals they eat, what they learn and how they interact with peers. After seeing the market gap the app was developed by Victoria Kids Care in Garden Estate, Nairobi.

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It’s the perfect solutions to parents who also travel a lot as this app keeps you in the loop at all times.

I bet kids would not exactly like it seeing that it helps parents track their children’s every move, but it’s perhaps one of the most important apps parents should have. The updates, which include the child’s development, are sent via email which also accords parents a chance to seek clarifications and ask questions. Such apps are changing the parenting experience, making it simpler and allowing parents to be part of their children’s lives.

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The development of these solutions indicates that parents in Kenya are appreciating technology to ease their tasks.

A quick jaunt through parenting blogs online shows that there are technological solutions for most steps in the parenting journey, from conception to selection of schools. Many other apps have been created to ease parents into parenthood, with the number of articles floating around about pregnancies, parenting and schools, it is easier to get an app that has all the information needed all at once.

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