Anybody sharing porn on the internet could soon pay a KSh 20 million fine.
If you’re interested in pornographic material then you’re reading the right article. There’s a bill in parliament that if passed would mean that anyone who shares porn on the internet will have a huge fine to pay and will go to jail for KSh 25 years.
The government claims that the current generation does not have values and that they need to find a way to introduce morality to society.
As the country is digitizing it’s become harder to control.
Due to the fact that a larger number of people have access to free internet and affordable bundles has led a number of people to pornographic sites where people have even gone to the extent of staying back at work so they can download or watch porn.
The Computer Misuse and Cybercrimes (Amendment) Bill, 2020, by Garissa Township MP Aden Duale, seeks to end this.
What kind of penalties will exist?
Anyone who is found promoting pornography or terrorism on social media or bu the use of electronic mediums will be liable to a conviction to a fine not exceeding KSh 20 million or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 25 years or both.
The bill states:
“A person shall not knowingly publish pornography through a computer system or produce pornography for the purpose of its publication through a computer system,”
If the bill passes it means it will also be illegal to download, distribute or transmit pornographic material.
Also targeted in the pornography crackdown are those who “deliver, exhibit, lend for gain, exchange, barter, sell or offer for sale, let on hire or offer to let on hire, offer in any way, or make available in any way from a telecommunications apparatus, pornographic materials”.
So how will they do this?
The bill proposes that all pornographic websites be blocked and additionally the Bill says pornography includes any data, whether visual or audio, that depicts persons engaged in sexually explicit conduct.
As Mr Duale urged his colleagues he said:
“The time to correct the moral decay in society, that continues unhindered, is now. We cannot afford to sit back and call ourselves leaders while our children are destroyed. This cannot happen. It must stop,”
This will also protect politicians from any of their videos going viral if in case any of the people they sleep/cheat with plan to defame them by using their videos.
In achieving its objectives, the Bill proposes that the National Computer and Cybercrimes Co-ordination Committee receives and acts on reports relating to computer use and cybercrimes.