Eneza Education focuses on keeping our scholars on track by providing revision materials.

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Eneza Education operates in Kenya, Ghana and Ivory Coast. This is a platform that focuses on equipping scholars with knowledge .We provide revision materials in all subjects for primary and secondary school scholars. When providing these revision materials we ensure that they are curriculum aligned. Access to these revision materials is on any device. A virtual tutor is present who assists in accessing the curriculum aligned content in various subjects for students. These materials are made available on SMS and Web.

Founded in 2012 as Mprep by Kago Kagichiri (techie) and Toni Maraviglia (teacher), Eneza started operating. Evolution has been experienced in Eneza Education moving from a scrappy startup to a young company operating in three African countries. Operation of Eneza takes place in Kenya, Ghana and Ivory Coast.

The closing of schools due to the Covid 19 Pandemic has disadvantaged our students. Developing countries have faced a major blow as they have a long way to go in providing online classes for its students. Majority of the learners who are at home find it difficult to continue with their education.

Items such as revision materials, interest in learning, home distractions are among the challenges students face. Parents on the other side have no time to follow up on the progress of their children learning at home. Only the class 8 and form 4 students in Kenya were provided with physical learning.

Blended learning is a focus that Eneza encourages. This entails use of online learning and physical classroom methods. Students can benefit from this way as they catch up with their studies. Personalized learning is reinforced in this mode of learning. Learners manage to work at their own pace in this way. They are able to understand everything and moving to the next lesson with o questions as clarifications will be made.

Traditional teaching methods will not be replaced by the blended learning method. It’s a supplementary and creates integrated learners for scholars. Success for our students is what all of us want.

All parties involved should plan on coming together and formulate new learning techniques. Millions of learners will benefit since Covid 19 has affected majority of them. Eneza Education aims at getting our students back on track. Time has gone by and our students are on the losing end.

Let’s all embrace the blended learning method.

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