Google Fuchsia could soon become part of our daily lives!

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Google Nest Hub has recently become more or less officially the first device to install the first version of Google’s Fuchsia operating system. Google Nest Hub is a very useful product. This is a smart speaker on the one hand and a smart screen on the other. This means that it can show us the weather, calendar, transport lines, favorite photos, or the desired video on youTube. In addition, we may ask any question for google assistant’s digital assistant.

Google Fuchsia’s operating system has garnered a lot of interest on the Nest Hub smart speaker. However, it may be the case that in the near future we will be able to install it on a wide range of devices. This includes both a smart wristwatch and a mobile phone or even a desktop computer. This is also shown by changes introduced by Google in the area of the Google Fuchsia operating system logo

Google Fuchsia
Google Fuchsia

Google takes the new logo for fuchsia very seriously. That is because it has applied for patentability to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO). More interesting information about the novelty is expected to be known in the next few months.

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