The Big Data term was coined not so long ago in 2005 by Roger Mougalas. Roger Mougalas leads the market research team at O’Reilly Media that provides various online learning resources, does tech conferences, and more. While the term Big Data is a relatively new term that has been around for fifteen years, the need to compile Big Data, analyze, and finally understand it has been around for decades. If we dive deeper into the history of big data, some sources are suggesting that the first records of using big data to control businesses can be traced back to Mesopotamia.
Over seven thousand years ago, Mesopotamians relied on collecting huge chunks of data or Big Data as we call it today to analyze the growth of herds and crops. Needless to say, the concept of collecting data significantly improved over the years. Back in 1663, when the deadly bubonic plague ravaged London and entire Europe, John Graunt used data to examine and analyze mortality rates in the UK, and his study is the very first study of this kind that relies on statistical data analysis.
In the twentieth century, the biggest data project was ordered by the USA administration and Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1937. The project was led by IBM and the company’s task was to collect data regarding the Social Security Act and the contribution of three million employees and over twenty-six million US residents. Several years later, the very first data-processing apparatus was developed. In 1989, the World Wide Web was invented by Tim Berners Lee, and to this day, this is one of the most significant innovations of all time.
Big Data and Its Impact on the Online Casino Industry
Fast forward to the twenty-first century, the Big Data term was coined in 2005, and it refers to a massive chunk of data that cannot be managed and analyzed using standard, traditional data analysis tools. By 2010, various governments started working on different Big Data projects, while in the last several years, numerous other Big Data startups opened their doors. While Big Data has been around for quite some time, the worldwide revolution of Big Data is yet to come while the era of Big Data has already begun.
Needless to say, numerous industries rely on Big Data and its applications, including education, insurance, healthcare, banking, media and entertainment, manufacturing, and many others. One industry that will also benefit from Big Data is the online gambling industry. It is not a secret that the iGaming industry already uses Big Data applications and analytics to expand. One tool that online casinos rely on to expanding expand their businesses and enrich their services is Big Data analytics.
Today, online casinos use Big Data analytics to boost their marketing efforts and introduce more reliable, quicker payment processing services. Thanks to Big Data, iGaming operators can easily evaluate their gamers’ preferences and needs and finally, rendered their services and products according to what gamers want and need. Online gambling operators use Big Data to expand and grow, and everything starts from examining their gamers’ behaviors. For you to find out more and see the impact of big data on blackjack games yourself, you can check out some real online casinos.
Big Data analytics is also transforming and enriching online casino games, including online Blackjack games. In this extremely competitive online casino gaming range, only iGaming venues that constantly work on enriching their offering and their range of games can succeed. This is why new online casino games including online Blackjack games are carefully rendered to suit players’ needs and preferences, and companies examine their players’ needs and preferences with Big Data analytics.
The Big Data Revolution and Online Blackjack Games
The most successful software developers crafting online Blackjack and other online casino games that follow the latest Big Data analytics trends are able to create more user-friendly gaming experiences. Online casinos that rely on Big Data analytics can create gambling adventures that are seemly custom-made for every gamer. Since customer loyalty is everything in the iGaming industry, relying on Big Data analytics assists companies with delivering bonuses and promotions that get every player’s attention.
Besides delivering rich, highly personalized gaming experiences, online software developers that use Big Data analytics are also able to create more innovative games according to what their players want. For online casino gamers who prefer online Blackjack games, this means being able to play games with better gaming designs and even better winning odds. Thanks to Big Data, online casinos can also easily detect potential loopholes in their online security systems, so players feel safer while gaming online.