Prepare for a significant revamp of the Google Play Store’s web version

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It is only a matter of time until the Public sees a new web version of the Google Playstore, which mimics a modern interface being developed. For the past years, until now, Google Play Store’s mobile version has seen a lot of changes, most notably the Material You. for its counterpart (web application store). Its UI has seen any change for a very long time. However, as the android Police now report, several users are starting to notice significant variations in the Play Store’s web version’s design.

The program pages of the Play Store, as seen in screenshots from Android Police, spread out considerably more to take advantage of all the space on the computer screen for a more modern design. It’s also worth noting that the background is entirely white, and the app logo takes up a lot more room.

Another significant change to the UI in preparation is that the side pane is no longer displayed by default. The user must click on his profile image on the upper right to see options about his account, payment methods, Play Points, etc.

The browser may now view various apps available for download in a more modern style, thanks to the updated layout. There will be no more rectangular shapes here; instead, a more polished design and logos with rounded corners will be used. Also, on the Applications and Games pages, a few buttons allow you to sort the apps presented by the devices on which they can be installed.

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