AMD’s next-generation APU, Ryzen Phoenix, has the potential to change the market for low-cost graphics cards

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Intel’s graphics solutions, although innovative, have never been able to compete significantly with specialized graphics cards, especially entry-level ones. With AMD’s numerous APUs, it’s a whole different story.

AMD’s goal to deliver far more muscular integrated solutions comes behind the moniker APU – for accelerated processing unit or accelerated computing unit – and our recent evaluation of the Ryzen 7 5700G with its Vega graphics portion underscored the intrigue of the item.

On the other hand, AMD pledges to go even farther, creating an insurmountable gap between its APU graphics performance and that of entry-level dedicated graphics systems. On paper, the Ryzen 6000’s whole aim is to do this.

These new technologies, dubbed “Phoenix,” must combine the best of both worlds for AMD: a cutting-edge CPU and a graphics solution that is nearly unrivaled.

Indeed, although the Ryzen 7 5700G incorporates the greatest Zen 3 CPUs, its Vega graphics section lags, even as AMD prepares to deliver RDNA 3 solutions on the market, at least for dedicated graphics cards.

On the CPU side, the Phoenix APUs, or Ryzen 6000, should develop based on Zen 4 cores in 5nm. They ensure that computer power is continually regenerated, but it is the visual component that we are most interested in. According to the newest speculations, an RDNA 2 or maybe RDNA 3 GPU will be included.

We have our reservations about RDNA 3 since it isn’t currently available on dedicated graphics cards, but the power of RDNA 2 would allow us to short-circuit entry-level dedicated graphics cards, particularly because we’re talking about APUs with 16 or 24 processing units.

Of course, there are still a lot of unknowns, but the mere mention of RDNA 2 makes us wish for APUs capable of going above 1080p or even increasing the degree of detail. Let’s see how much such APUs cost, since no matter how fantastic it is, the Ryzen 7 5700G isn’t going to be free.

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