Apply for 2024 Savvy Global Fellowship for Aspiring and Early-Stage Entrepreneurs

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Application for the 2024 Savvy Global Fellowship Program for Aspiring and Early-Stage Entrepreneurs is now open! 

Are you passionate about solving some of the world’s most pressing problems through innovative and sustainable ways? 

Have you ever wanted to build a successful impact-driven business, but didn’t know how to? Do you own an early-stage business that you want to grow and scale into new markets and verticals? 

Are you interested in being part of the new generation of impact-driven entrepreneurs?

Then apply now! Savvy is looking for you.

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Available in 111 languages, Savvy is a global virtual Fellowship program for passionate and brilliant young individuals seeking to be part of the new generation of impact entrepreneurs. 

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the recent macroeconomic downturn, many have lost their jobs and are now living in an uncertain world. Savvy Fellowship is equipping these individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills they need to start their impact-driven businesses and succeed as entrepreneurs. 

As a Savvy Fellow, you will be provided with the knowledge, skills, tools, resources, support network, and community to build a sustainable, innovative, and profitable impact-driven business.

Backed by the Roddenberry Foundation, the United Nations Office for South-South Cooperation, the International Telecommunication Union, and Because International, the Savvy Global Fellowship for Aspiring and Early-Stage Entrepreneurs has received over 198,860 applications from around the world since 2020, and has selected, trained, and supported 11,366 Fellows from 170 countries. 

For 12 to 32 weeks, no matter what stage your venture is, the Fellowship program helps selected Fellows answer all the relevant questions that they need to kickstart their amazing impact venture, gain early traction, achieve product-market fit, and scale into new markets.

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