The City of Johannesburg, JCSE & Seed Academy launch $431K Hack Jozi Challenge

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joziThe City of Johannesburg, the JCSE and Seed Academy have unveiled a $431,000 (R5 million) competition dubbed “Hack Jozi Challenge”, a boot camp for start-up entrepreneurs to foster skills, innovation and entrepreneurship in the city’s technology startups.

Open for South African startup teams or individuals between 18 -35 years, with digital technology startups addressing any community need,  applications close February 15th.

The #Hack.Jozi Challenge is in support of capacity development, job creation and enterprise development to anyone who is tech savvy and who is ready to put into their startups some effort to become successful digital entrepreneurs.

“We want you to come up with the most innovative digital ideas to help enrich your communities. We will reward the best ideas with R5 000 000 for Digital Start Ups.,” announced the partners.

Those interested should go to, complete the application form on the site then upload a ur 2minute video & description oftheir idea to stand a chance to win membership to Jozi Digital Hub, cash or and support in the form of technical requirements and mentorship.

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