This is the solution to no more car theft. Can you imagine a thief who thinks they have brilliantly stolen your car then suddenly hears sirens loudly behind him? Or maybe, you’re in parking lot and you forgot where your car is and instead of asking the watch guard about your car , you instead consult your phone. This is one of the greatest solutions that has come around apart from a GPS system. To be honest a GPS system is expensive. This is why a California-based company managed to make a better a system. They instead created a new system that would be able to track your car and ensure it’s safe. A new tiny device has been created to work with your smart phone and for most of us this is the answer to our prayers.
For starters the device is called TrackR app. It is not a big device so no need to worry about someone noticing it. As a matter of fact it is the size of a small coin. So what do you need to do? just like any other app, download it. The app is completely free so after you download it, connect the app to your device and you’re good to go. All you need to do is attach the tracker to whatever you want to track. Now this can be used maliciously or sneakily but please refrain. Remember invasion of privacy is illegal. Use if for safety reasons. The process of setting it up only takes about five to ten minutes. You can attach it to things like your keys, floor mat, remote or anything you fear losing. If it’s in your car, it doesn’t have to be obviously there screaming here I am. If you have the TrackR you can hide it under your mat or anywhere you feel it will be safe and you won’t forget where you put it.
For example, if you can’t find your car all you need to do is get in your app and click on the “find device”. The app will thereafter tell you the coordinates of the last known location of the TrackR. If interested you can order for it online on their page also called TrackR. I mainly thought the device was suited for cars but turns out you can track anything.
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