Common Minor and Major Injuries You May Suffer After a Car Accident

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Following a car crash, victims often suffer minor aches and pains. But sometimes, this pain may be due to a more serious issue or delayed injuries. That is why victims must seek immediate medical attention after the crash to have their injuries identified and treated. Also, they should contact one of the most respected injury attorneys Huntington Beach to handle their injury claim against the at-fault driver. Keep reading to know how accident victims of car accidents can secure financial compensation if they suffer from delayed symptoms. 

Minor Injuries that Could Mean Big Issues

Some minor injuries may indicate a serious medical problem. If you have been in a car crash, the following are common symptoms of a more serious injury:

  • Headaches. If you experience headaches days after a car accident, you may be suffering from a brain injury, neck injury, concussion, blood clot, or whiplash. 
  • Pain. Pain can indicate different kinds of medical conditions depending on where exactly you feel it. Neck, shoulders, or back pain may be a symptom of whiplash, a herniated disc, or a soft tissue injury. You may not experience pain until several days following your accident. If you feel abdominal pain, you may have soft tissue injuries or internal injuries that can be life-threatening.
  • Numbness or tingling. Injuries like a herniated disc and pinched nerves present symptoms like a tingling sensation or numbness.

Common Injuries Victims of Car Accidents May Suffer

If your car accident involved a significant impact, the following are injuries you may sustain. These injuries should not be ignored because they can be fatal when left untreated. 

  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). TBIs may arise during a crash when your head forcefully jolts back and forth due, hits a hard surface, or when an object penetrates it. Because of these injuries, you may lose your brain function and memory, as well as experience sensitivity to your senses and personal changes. These injuries may not present symptoms until months after the accident. 
  • Herniated discs. Initially, a herniated disc could appear like a back or neck strain. This condition occurs when the force of a car crash ruptures the tissue between your spinal vertebrae. Herniated discs can put pressure on your spine’s nerves, leading to serious pain, loss of control of your limbs, and loss of sensation. 
  • Shoulder injuries. The force of the collision may hurt your shoulders leading to different injuries like ligament tears and strains. You may not feel these injuries right after the crash because of the adrenaline surge you may experience.
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