This classified website aims to bring buyers and sellers all together as one can purchase or sell anything as long as the terms and conditions are met.
Thebe was officially launched in February 2014 in Botswana. Thebe as a trading platform was birth after its owner saw hundreds of groups on social media where people advertised their goods and services for sale. Botswana needed a platform where people could gather to buy and sell their goods by means of an e-commerce marketplace.
The best thing about is that it is free, all one has to do is create an account and place your ad.
This is how; you will give your email address so that your account is created in a few minutes. When logged into your personal account you can quickly view, edit and delete your adverts, see how many times your ad’s have been viewed, update your profile and more. Thebe aims to bring together sellers and buyers, contact between you and the buyer/seller is always direct. All we do is offer you our platform and tips to trade safely!