High School Student Has Created An Amazing Bluetooth Speaker Using A Water Gallon

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High school student has created an amazing Bluetooth spear using a water gallon.

The first time I read this story from Dext Technology Limited I thought oh my goodness how in the world is this even possible? If “anything is possible” was a person then we guess Samuel Aboagye would be it. When you see gallons of water gallons you consider them as waste or at the very most you store your water in the balcony or use them for plants, but did you ever think a sound system could be created from this?

What on earth was Samuel thinking?

It is indicated that Samuel used practical concepts of electric current flow, conductors and non-conductors as well as design thinking techniques to make the creative electronic device.

Many have been highly impressed by the boy’s creativity and are as equally as impressed and amused as we are. Some innovators have offered to work with the boy on some future projects. We hope he gets someone to mentor him and inspire him to do more.

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