Only about 90% of iPhones would be able to run iOS 15

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According to a new study by the Mixpanel Institute, nearly 9 out of 10 iPhones would have upgraded to the current version of iOS.

However, these figures are still lower than those of iOS 14, which was deployed on more than 92 percent of eligible handsets in June 2021.

To be precise, iOS 15 would have been installed on 87.49 percent of all iPhones now on the market iPhone 6S and later. iOS 14 was deployed on 92.69 percent of Apple mobiles on the same date last year.

As a result, the adoption of the most recent version of the operating system is substantially lower than it was last year. A trend that started early: less than 20% of supported devices had updated to iOS 15 10 days after it was released.

What is the best way to explain this discrepancy? First, there are the features of iOS 15 that differ from those of iOS 14 – which were more “amazing” or at least more visible with the addition of widgets. The current version of iOS improves on the previous version without offering a break, which makes it difficult to persuade people to upgrade.

However, keep in mind that keeping a gadget up to date also means keeping it safe from the latest cyber dangers. Do not put off accepting your smartphone’s upgrade for too long.

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